My thought for the day – Liberal schools promote class warfare

Adrienne has some thoughts for the day and I found in trying to reply that it ended up being a post by itself.

I could give a crap about Malia, what irks me, besides the news media’s wimping out is, school trips themselves.

When I was in school our field trips consisted of going to the State Capital and at the schools expense except for the box lunch we had to bring.  Nowadays, the liberal schools seem to think our kids need exotic trips paid for by the parents, I personally think it’s the teachers who want to go on the trips at the expense of the parents.

These expensive school trips are just a way to promote class warfare, and I don’t mean the 8th grade “class”.  Those who’s parents can afford it get to go while the poorer kids get shunned because they can’t afford it.

I remember right after Sept 11, the school trip that Christmas was to a mall, yeah, that’s right, a MALL, that was the main course with Toys R Us being the dessert.  Another case of class warfare and another way to discredit the family unit.  They hype these kids up to want toys that some parents can’t afford and set them up for disappointment and loss of faith in their parents.

At this time there were State Dept warnings about malls being soft targets and they wanted to take MY KID to a potential terror target.  I called the school and asked if they were freakin’ idiots.  My kid didn’t go and she was punished by having to sit in school almost alone all day.   I had explained to her why I wasn’t going to let her go so she wouldn’t think I was just being mean, she was in kindergarten but she understood and didn’t hold it against me.

This is why I like Santa, the kid asks Santa for something and when they don’t get it they can blame him.

The thing that gets me is, most parents will take out a 2nd mortgage just so their kid doesn’t get left out.  I prefer to stand up for what I believe but I’m in the minority.   When Obama wanted to live feed his little talk to school kids in Baltimore? I was the only parent in this ultra conservative town that spoke out against it.  I first emailed my childs teacher and explained my opposition to it, she apparently was a liberal because when she responded she thought it was a wonderful thing for the kids to hear Obama, I emailed her again and she wouldn’t even respond to me.  I contacted the Superintendent and explained my views and he also was all for Obama, sooooooooo I went to the principle and finally found a person of intelligence, who agreed with me. 😀 Obama was not shown in the school.

When my daughter was in 7th grade, they wanted to teach her sex ed, it was and opt out at that time so I opted out, and again I was the only parent who did.  I had the principle of that school tell me I was stupid and being foolish.   I told him to have a nice day and walked across the street to the Superintendents office and informed him that that weasely little twirp principal will never speak to me that way again.  I got home about 10 minutes later and the phone was ringing as I walked in the door, it was the principal apologizing.

Parents need to stand up for what they believe in and not be concerned on how it might reflect on the child because, in the long run, you’re instilling principles in your child.