Black Panthers put bounty on killer of black kid in Florida

Where is the Justice Dept, why aren’t they arresting the black panthers?  The City of Sanford is “dissuading” the attempt to harm Zimmerman.  HUH?  Putting out a bounty on anyone IS AGAINST THE LAW, start arresting people.    The black panthers (notice I’m not capitalizing their name) keep shouting about white’s killing blacks, how about all the blacks killing all the whites?  Nothing to say about that black panther assholes?

New Black Panther Party Offers $10,000 Bounty for George Zimmerman

Published March 25, 2012

The leader of the New Black Panther Party called for a $10,000 bounty for the man who shot and killed black Florida teen Trayvon Martin, a case that continues spark explosive emotions and strain the country’s racial tensions.

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” New Black Panther leader Mikhail Muhammad said Saturday when he announced the reward at a protest in Sanford, the Orlando suburb where the killing took place.

Members of the New Black Panther party called for the mobilization of 10,000 black men to capture George Zimmerman, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

Zimmerman has gone into hiding due to death threats and the offer of the $10,000 reward, his legal advisor Craig Sonner said, according to Reuters.

“He should be fearful for his life,” Muhammad said. “You can’t keep killing black children.”

Warning: Video contains language some may find offensive

The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies the New Black Panther Party as a “virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews and law enforcement officers.”

The city of Sanford hopes to dissuade private attempts to punish Zimmerman.

“The City is requesting calm heads and no vigilante justice,” local officials said in a statement, according to the Houston Chronicle. “Attempts by civilians to take any person into custody may result in criminal charges or unnecessary violence.”

Zimmerman, a neighborhood watchman, shot Martin, an unarmed 17-year-old, on Feb. 26. Zimmerman says he shot Martin in self-defense and Florida police have yet to arrest him, though the Justice Department may wind up filing a hate crime charge against him for the killing.

In addition to stirring up a heated debate about racism, the killing of Trayvon Martin has focused attention on Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law, which allows people to use deadly force against those who illegally enter their property or vehicle.

Florida adopted the now-controversial law in 2005, becoming the first of a series of states to expand the right to use lethal force for self-defense, according to ProPublica.

Some 23 states have similar rules, referred to by such nicknames as “Stand Your Ground,” “Shoot First” and “Make My Day” laws.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday that the Justice Department should investigate the laws.

“They’re all new. They’ve been passed very, very quickly and I think the states who passed them, if they find out the real facts, they may decide to repeal them,” Schumer said.

By phoebe53 Posted in Crime

2 comments on “Black Panthers put bounty on killer of black kid in Florida

  1. This is the first I have heard anything about this case……….the news is very depressing. However, I did read the article and with all that was said, there was no reason stated in detail as to why zimmerman shot the young man……..was he running, was he breaking into a home, did he have some sort of weapon that he threatened zimmerman with? As an ex-cop and a published free-lance journalist, I would have the questions above and probably a dozen more or so answered in this column……perhaps zimmerman was justified……..has that question come up or been answered?

  2. The young man was doing nothing more than walking back to his Dad’s girlfriends house. He had no weapon, he was not breaking into any home. Zimmerman had been following this young man and the young man finally confronted him and asked why he was following him, Zimmerman had every opportunity to identify himself but chose not to, a fight ensued, Zimmerman was losing that fight and shot the young man.

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